Pickled Garlic - Very Easy!

I'm in love with garlic.  I actually get carried away and eat a tablespoon of this garlic in one sitting.  

1 garlic head
1 pan boiling water (about 2 quarts)
Water in bowl with ice
1 jar pickles (with enough room in jar to add garlic)
Separate cloves of garlic, try not to break them. No need to remove paper now.
Bring water to a boil
Add garlic cloves and boil for 2 minutes
Remove from heat and place in ice water to stop cooking
After cool, remove paper from garlic cloves
Place garlic in pickle jar
Wait at least 1 week, better to wait two weeks, but it's okay to check progress ;)
Eat pickled garlic!
Remember to not get carried away and eat all of them in one sitting!
